Finding An Moderator ?? I am Here For That !!!!!!

zag_gamer7 Is looking for a Discord Moderators job!

  • zag_gamer7


  • Moderators
  • Discord ID: 838303188868005889

How do i contact?

You must add zag_gamer7#0 on discord and message them regarding their job listing.

Share your feeling

i am aravind i have moderated many servers i have been trying to learn how to code an discord bot it's difficult to learn i am trying to do my best and learn this!


i am aravind an indian who likes playing games and moderating servers i play games like roblox , minecraft and krunker(web game) etc...... and when you come to moderating i will make your server the best !!!

Employee skills

my skills are i moderate a server good and if there is an fight in the server will try to stop bascically like a helper, moderator and manegement !!

Past Employers

I didnt joins servers servers cause it was 1 year past when i had no knowledge about moderating but now i know everything !!

Current Employers

Now i am Employed with 1) some other Gang 2)Anime zone 3)Gt_Nations. 4)Super MC Events 5)Genre 6)DANKER'S Official 7)Brock's Community

Experience and contact info

You Can contact me by sending an friend request to my name in discord and we will chat there! have fun!!! discord username--- Itzz_Ninja#2110