open TTD lovers

open TTD loversBasic

31 Members 3 Online Last Bump: 5 months ago


hello last good discord users I ask you to join, I want to get together a group of people that will have a bit of fun with certain undesirable groups that as of late have ruined discord.


4chan tag is not an open invitation for people from /a/, /lgbt/ or /mlp/ to join if you use any of the three you are a problem, fix yourself. Anyways hello last good discord users I ask you to join, I want to get together a group of people that will have a bit of fun with certain undesirable groups that as of late have ruined discord. I apologize for being vague but I'm just trying to be safe. Unrelated but if you have been hopping from anarchy server to anarchy server for years like me and now after disboard has cracked down on certain things and want a place to chill I'll try keep the spirit of those servers because they were important to me.



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